Sunday 19 April 2015

House Land 10 m x 10 m

Land Area      : 100 m"
Building Area : 71,5 m"

This house has enough land area, but in the floor plan is only be made a room versatile in the house has three bedrooms, kitchen, and two rooms madi. The reason owners need more covered garage for the vehicle storage to be more assured the vehicle. This is a type building more attention to the covered garage. This house is perfect for in the wake up in the region- prone to security.

Distribution Area
Page Home.
Public Areas.
Private Areas.
Service Areas.

Page Home
Home Page Back to be owned 1 room Home and 1 page space Back to the size of 12m" and 4 m"

Terrace should also be owned the front porch and the back porch with the size of 3 m" and 2 m"

Public Areas
Public areas consists of living room, family, a ballroom. for multipurpose room size is most extensive that is 16 m".

Private Areas
This room consists of Main Bedroom, child' s bedroom, and Bed Assistant.

Service Areas
This area has many places such as kitchen, madi, laundry room, the clothesline, warehouses, garage, carport, circulation space.

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